Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Hershey

Hershey is my dog. She is the most wonderful dog in the world. She used to be called Snuggles and you could see why...She comes to you constantly and she comes to snuggle up with you and sleep. But, one day she didn't come to her name so I asked if I could change her name to Hershey and see if she came to that... And she did!!! Yip Yip Hooray. So her name was Hershey from now and on. She sleeps with me at night. She is a chocolate Labrador and a mix of Pit bull, so since she is a mix of pit bull she can be fierce when she wants to be. Hershey's best Friend is her sister "Kimchi." Kimchi is another one of our dogs. She is the most energetic...Most CRAZY! Kimchi is a black Labrador pure bread. They play together constantly. I am so happy Hershey is my dog!

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