Saturday, May 14, 2011


I love animals! They are so beautiful in many ways. Each one of them are a different species, or they have a different animal kingdom. They also have different shades of fur, diffrent eyes and they even live in different habitats! There are so many different animals in the world. My top three (3) favories are 1. Dog, 2. Horse, 3.Pony. I know pony and horses are almost the same thing but, they have different sizes. That's another thing animals  can come in many different shapes and sizes. A lot of them. Until next time, get the scoop on whats new in my blog! Thank you!

Friday, May 13, 2011


I love drawing. It expresses my feelings. It makes me happy. I don't think about what I draw, it's just magnificent when I am done, though. I love making mosacis and happy faces. I have another blog about happy face, too. I love them. Anyway, back to drawing. I love making whatever is around my. Like I did a picture of my dog, "Hreshey." It looks beautiful. I also did a pictue of a lamp with a zebra background. Also a the word "Spring" with a flower behind it. I think my art peices are extraordinay! Honestly, I do. My parents think I do good on my pictures to. I have a friend, she is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G at drawing, she truly is. She makes beautiful peices of artwork...She is the one who ispired me to start drawing. She will do anythind and wont think about what she is drawing, just ike me! Well I hoped you liked my blog, until next time,get the scoop on whats new in my blog! Bye! (this is one of my pictures that I drew online. On my computer)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Best Friends

Best Friends they always have your back when you need help. They will always be in your heart no matter what happens. My Best Friend comes over for play dates and sleepovers all the time. And they even go to dance classes with me  (Hip Hop). And she has always had my back. Thank you God for letting us have best friends!!!

Smiley Faces

Smiley Faces make me extremely happy! When I see one I have joy in my heart. Smiley faces warm up my heart. They make me get thrilled that someone is going to say something encouraging to me. Smiley faces with teeth make me amazed!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I love dancing...I do eight dance classes a week, that's how much I love it. Dancing calms me down when I am frustrated. Every step I take is a dance move. Acro, acro means gymnastics. it gives me a good stretch for the week. And makes me flexible. Jazz, jazz is a fun or funky dance. It gets you moving and gives you a hard workout. Tap, tap has a good rhythm to it. All the sounds makes you want to do the same. Ballet, ballet is a slow calm movement that you want to do the same. Hip hop, hip hop is a fast moving funky style of dancing. Every time I pass my "Dance carpet." I have to do an acro move there. Dancing is my life.

My Hershey

Hershey is my dog. She is the most wonderful dog in the world. She used to be called Snuggles and you could see why...She comes to you constantly and she comes to snuggle up with you and sleep. But, one day she didn't come to her name so I asked if I could change her name to Hershey and see if she came to that... And she did!!! Yip Yip Hooray. So her name was Hershey from now and on. She sleeps with me at night. She is a chocolate Labrador and a mix of Pit bull, so since she is a mix of pit bull she can be fierce when she wants to be. Hershey's best Friend is her sister "Kimchi." Kimchi is another one of our dogs. She is the most energetic...Most CRAZY! Kimchi is a black Labrador pure bread. They play together constantly. I am so happy Hershey is my dog!